Some attributes doesn't change after loading my style (template)

• Jan 4, 2016 - 14:24

I am using Win7 and MuseScore version 2.0.2 and my problem is following:
Position or size of some elements (often i.e. chords and lyrics) does not change according to my template, when I load my style (template). I need to go to Style->Text then change corresponding number a bit up or down, click apply, then set original value and apply changes again. I want to convert hundreds of songs to MuseScore, but with such bugs it will be a painful and longterm task...

It happens usually in songs imported from MusicXML (exported from Finale) I have not tried that on a songs written in MuseScore form scratch.

Is there a simple way to fix this problem?




In reply to by tydor.maxim

Realistically, though, MusicXML export/import tends to lose quite a bit of formatting information, so you'll still probably need to spend quite a bit of time fixing things up manually. But every MusicXML file is different in terms of what formatting info it contains. If you post one of the scores you are concerned with, we might better be able to advise the best way to proceed.

Be sure you are specifying your style file in Edit / Preferences / Import, and also decide on the optimum settings of the other options in that dialog.

The issue you describe is only for import, BTW - for scores created with the current version of MuseScore, style settings take effect automatically. Imported scores, however, have most of their formatting "baked in" to the individual elements, hence the need to do the reset. It's much like the difference between a Microsoft Word file where someone tried to manually make headings larger & bold by selecting each one by one and setting the font characteristics, rather than using the Heading paragraph style that would have allowed them to all be controlled at once.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your reply.

I noticed many differences between MusicXML files and how certain properties are stored in it.
Well, the transition from Finale to MuseScore will be a bit longer, but obviously every song needs to be manually reconfigured to match MuseScores settings.

Unfortunatelly, I tried to apply my style to a song written form scratch in MuseScore, the score changed, but changes mostly on text fields (lyrics, chords and title) did not propagate automatically after the style was loaded. I needed to enter the Style->Text menu and made a slight change i.e. in position of every group (lyrics on odd lines, lyrics on even lines, chords) and click apply to make a change.
I don't understand this behaviour. Of course, to click on every element, select the group and reset the changes to style works, but I need to check and format hundreds of songs and also in future this feature will be very crucial for me, so I would really appreciate if only the loading of a new style would make all the changes...


In reply to by tydor.maxim

Changes to text style will be applied automatically *if* the text element in question actually uses that text style and does not have custom formatting applied (eg, via Text Properties, or via the text toolbar). If you *do* have custom formatting applied, then it will be preserved after the text style change unless you reset it first.

If you think you are seeing something different, please attach the specific score you are having trouble with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

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