How to put in rests

• Apr 26, 2016 - 19:30

I've got a score I'm trying to put into this program, but I have a measure that needs an 8th rest and then an 8th note. I can't find any "rest" options other than the quarter rest in the tool bar. help.



See the Handbook under "Note input" for more information. Basically, the icon shows a picture of a quarter rest, but it combined with the duraion icons will allow a rest of any duration to be entered. When using the keyboard to enter notes, you don't even need the rest icon at all - just select the duration then press "0" as mentioned.

Did you read the nice handbook?

"Adding notes and rests to a staff requires the following basic steps:
1. Select your starting position for note input
2. Enter note input mode
3. Select the duration of the note (or rest) you want to enter
4. Enter the pitch (or rest) using keyboard shortcut, mouse, or a MIDI keyboard"

There are detailed descriptions of the above further down the page that I linked to.

A visible rest palate alongside the note palate would be most welcome. Even DMCS for the Amiga had that—as did every notation program I have ever purchased.

The convoluted methods for such a simple task are one of MuseScore's shortcomings.

In reply to by MikeHalloran

'A visible rest palate alongside the note palate would be most welcome'.


There is no "note" palette (even if the symbols are notes), it is a "duration" palette.
The rest symbol is something else: a button to really enter the rest, as would be a button to enter the note 'c' or 'd' if they would exist.
(The buttons to enter notes 'c' or 'd' don't exist because clicking on the right line in the score does the job, after selecting the correct duration in the "duration" palette.)
The button to enter a rest is there to enable to enter the rest exactly as you enter a 'c' or 'd' note, after selecting the duration in the "duration" palette.

This point of the design is extremely logical and consistent, so I would not change anything to it and certainly not adding a "rest" palette which would combine "duration" choice and rest entering.

In reply to by frfancha

Mike has raised this topic before. He's accustomed to programs (including, if I recall correctly, Finale and Encore) that explicitly make available a set of buttons for rest durations as well as note durations, essentially considering a rest to be something wholly other than a note, and finds it very difficult to adjust to programs (such as MuseScore and Sibelius) that do it this way, with only one rest button plus the duration buttons, considering a rest to simply be a note with the extra property of silence. There's really nothing more than can be said, except that Sibelius's rest icon shows two rests of different durations, and it would probably help if MuseScore didn't show just the quarter rest.

In reply to by frfancha

Well, I actually agree that having a rest palette could be a good thing, although I disagree that entering rests is currently "convoluted" - it's just slightly non-obvious, and requires one extra click for the users who for whatever reason choose to use the less efficient mouse entry method over the more efficient keybaord entry method.

Enter a note basically requires two steps whether using mouse or keyboard: select duration, click on staff or type note name. So that's pretty much maximally efficient whether using mouse or keybaord

Entering rests, on the other hand, requires two steps only for keyboard (select duration, type "0") and hence is maximally efficient, but if for whatever reason you choose to enter notes and rests with the mouse, there is an extra click involved: you need to select the rest icon as well as selecting the duration and entering the rest. It's not necessarily one click *per rest* - once you click the rest icon, you can then enter as many rests as you want at two clicks per rest. So it's one extra click per *sequence* of rests you wish to enter. Hard to say what the average sequence length is, but if it's 2, then we're really talking about 0.5 extra clicks per rest on average - again, onyl for users who for whatever reaosn choose to use the mosue, which is *always* less efficient than using the keyboard.

So, users who truly care about efficiency will generally choose the keyboard both because it is inherently more efficient than the mouse (no motion back and forth between score and toolbar) but also because it saves that 0.5 clicks per rest. Users who for whatever reason choose the mouse are penalized with the extra 0.5 clicks per rest *on top of* the general penalty for using the mouse (the constant motion back and forth between score and toolbar).

So, it's illogical to call rest entry "convoluted". If you value efficiency primarily, you use the keyboard and it's already maximally efficient. If for whatever reaosn you choose the mosue instead, you pay only on extra 0.5 cliks per rest on top of the penalty you already pay for using the mosue in the first place.

That said, having a rest palette would save that extra 0.5 clicks per rest, so what the heck. As long as it was something that keyboard users could close (since it is irrelevant for keyboard users and would only take up space), why not. It would provide a very slight improvement in efficiency for mouse users, and would eliminiate that potential for confusion that we see maybe once every few months. A small win to be sure, and nothing to get so worked up about, but a win nonetheless.

You can put in an eighth note, then cut it [ctrl+X]. This deletes an eighth note and replaces it with an eighth rest. You can also click on larger rests and select the eighth note [4] and that would give you an eighth note. Using these techniques, I never actually have to use the rest button.

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