Volta (Styled-text)

• Dec 3, 2016 - 11:29

Musescore 2.0.2 [Edit: 2.0.3]: Voltas don't seem to adhere to the style applied to them.

    1.) Apply a particular font style in Style -> Text -> Volta
    2.) Create a Prima Volta on a measure

The result doesn't adhere to whatever setting was given in step 1.
Adding extra text to the volta doesn't change anything style-wise.

Please verify or correct the procedure if misunderstood.
Usually the font doesn't need to be altered, but if there be a generic change in fonts--especially numerals--then to have this also reflected upon voltas seems to be a logical conclusion.

[Edit: flip the order of the steps]


If I change the volta text style to have different size or the font st somethong other than FreeSerif and then drag a volta from the palette onto the score, I get exactly that.
In 2.0,3 that is.
In 2.0.2 too (I tested with the Portable App for Windows), so I can't reproduce at all.

BTW: Any reason not to update to 2.0.3?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

:-/ Typo meaning 2.0.3. Also, that works. Thanks for the response Jojo.
Disregarding the "steps", the "error" is in having a volta in score and then changing the style-text: it doesn't update, whereas a staff text for instance does change automatically after applying a style change. This should be fixed imho. Specificity, specificity, specificity...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Right-on. Thanks for the reference.
I was thinking that besides being updated automatically from applying changes in the styles, maybe there should be a "Reset to style" button in the Inspector like a staff text rather than being within the layers of the properties options (btw thanks for pointing toward where to find this).

In reply to by worldwideweary

A complication here is that lines can possibly have three separate texts (begin, continue, end) and each could potentially have different text properties applied. It's not completely obvious that in all cases one would want style changes to apply to all of these texts - especially given that one would very likely have deliberately applied different properties to these texts.

Bottom line: it's not a technically unsolvable problem, but just determining what the desired behavior is in all cases is problematic.

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