Inserting a double repeat sign

• Mar 15, 2017 - 07:23

The handbook ( states:

To add a repeat symbol to the score use either of the following:
Drag the repeat symbol from the palette onto (not above) the desired measure (so the measure changes color), then drop
Select a measure, then double-click the desired repeat symbol in the palette.
The object will appear above that measure in your score.

When adding a 2 Measure Repeat symbol (as seen in the Master Palette->Symbols), I cannot figure out a way to drag the 2 Measure Repeat symbol from the palette ONTO (and not above) the desired measure. The symbol just links to beginning of whichever measure I am hovering my mouse over.

Is there a way to insert these 2 Repeat Measure symbols WITHIN the 2 bars? (similar to how the basic Repeat Measure Sign works?)


Items in the master palette are nothing more than text, even if they look identical to something already in another palette. A single measure repeat has a defined function in the palette where there is no definition for a multi measure repeat so you must MAKE it work the way you want it to. Having said all of that, here is how to do it:

In reply to by Shoichi

In your example, "Join Selected Measures is always available but for some reason in my score it seems to be consistently grayed out. Do you have any idea why this would be?

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