Changing note size for voice 2 only

• Oct 6, 2017 - 15:02

I have read the forum here, and learned how to use voice 2 to handle situations where there are small differences in notation between verses of a song. For example, I am working on a score where an 8th note in verse 1 needs to be played as two 16th notes in verse 2. I was able to add voice 2 to only the measure where this change is needed (I could not figure out how to just change the affected notes, so I have a full measure of voice 2), but I now want to make only the voice 2 notes smaller. When I follow the instructions that I found for changing the size of notes in a measure, both voices are converted to the small size. How do I select only the voice 2 notes to change their size, while leaving voice 1 alone? Note that the only difference between the two voices in this measure is the notation on that one half-beat. All other notes are identical.

Also, while I'm at it, the reason for this change is that the verse 2 lyrics need the two 16th notes, as there is an extra syllable in that part of the verse. When I try to edit the verse 2 lyrics, the program ignores the 16th notes and I cannot enter the verse 2 lyrics at that point as two syllables across the two notes. It seems to default to the verse 1 structure. Is there a way around this, or some way to include a "hard" hyphen within the lyrics so it will look correct when printed?


To fix the verse two lyric problems, use the notes in voice to to enter the lyrics. First delete the lyrics in that measure from verse 2 only. Select a note in voice 2 and press ctrl-L as normal. The cursor will be on verse 1, so simply press enter and the cursor will be on verse 2.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks. I have already tried this. The problem, I think, is that the notes in the two voices are the same, aside from the 8th to 16th difference. When I click on any note, the voice 1 note is selected. The only voice 2 note I can select is the second of the two 16th notes. All other voice 2 notes share a note head with voice 1, and clicking on any of those selects the first voice by default. Clicking on such a note and selecting voice 2 via the button at the top of the screen does select voice 2 for that note, but it changes the corresponding voice 1 note to a rest, which messes up the voice 1 lyrics, aside from removing the actual note. Very frustrating.

However, the procedure above for selecting only voice 2 for note size might provide a way for me to force the program to use the voice 2 notes for lyrics. I will look into that.

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