Can't find MuseScore file after crash...*URGENT*

• Feb 18, 2018 - 05:48

So this happened: I created a new file so I can work on it. Everything was going fine, worked on it for a good 6 hours or so, and suddenly, without any warnings, my laptop shut down. So I opened my laptop, opened MuseScore, and as usual clicked 'Yes' once it asked me if I wanted to restore my session or not; So, everything showed up like it was, but it wasn't my lucky day today and unfortunately it said "Cannot read/open file". I have worked on it for a long time, and I have not saved it, so I was wondering if there was a way that I could retrieve the file back, since I'm in desperate need for it, and if I want to work on it again. I can't write what I have originally wrote, so please help me. Yes, I have checked the 'VirtualLibrary' folder, and it wasn't there, so where else could it be? Any help would be much appreciated.

-A. Afifi


In reply to by Ali Afifi

* Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore2/
The "~" in the path above is required to access the Library directory in your Home folder. /Library/Application Support/ (without "~" at the beginning) will take you to a separate folder location where you will not find the MuseScore folder you need._
If you're using Mac, search (Finder?) for modified files in a certain time interval
here, on Windows, they are in the hidden folder and have a name e. g.: scNd1972


In reply to by Shoichi

I have a file here that says "Can't read file", so I'm going to share it here and hopefully you can make it work. Its name is supposed to be ' "Ocean" Symphony in E major: Finale ', and about 40 - 60 bars was composed until I lost the file. Please inspect the file that I uploaded so I can know if this is it or not.

Attachment Size
scPB2252.mscz 28.04 KB

Oh god, if you can't find it, I'm really sorry. I would be so mad if all that work went to nothing. Good luck on finding it.

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