triple apogiatura or grupeto in double strings

• Apr 16, 2018 - 19:54

Dear Sirs In a song we are editing, it has a triple apogiatura, or a grupeto with two overlapping notes, that is, in double strings. I do not know Musescore program resources to do this, you have an orientation on how to do it ?. To facilitate the understanding I will send an attachment of a piece of music where the second staff, in the first bar has this apogiatura or grupeto APOGIATURA TRIPLA EM CORDAS DOBRADAS.jpg


It looks like you are talking about the first measure of the second line.

To enter the apogiatura as a chord, enter one of the line of notes (I recommend the bottom line of notes) as normal. You will then need to select each note and use shift+ a note name to add to the chord as you would a normal chord such as in the previous measure. Let me know if this is not clear and I will explain step by step if needed.

In reply to by Shoichi

Shoichi is correct. After you enter the first 3 grace notes, you need to turn off note input mode every time it turns itself on or switch to repitch mode by clicking the fancy N below the new score button and select Re-pitch. Remember to turn note input mode back to Step time when you are done.

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