Importing an xml file keeps crashing Musescore

• Apr 20, 2018 - 15:34

I have been sent an xml and sib version of a piece but whenever I try to open the xml file Musescore stops working and crashes - any help?

Attachment Size
TRAVIATA ACT 1 BRINDISI and on.xml 438.24 KB


Crashes in latest development build from master too, with a failed assertion:
Fatal: ASSERT: "e == 0 || e->isText()" in file .../MuseScore/libmscore/scoreElement.h, line 511 (.../MuseScore/libmscore/scoreElement.h:511, )

This got to be happening either in mscore/musicxmlsupport.cpp, line 223, domError(), or in mscore/musicxmlsupport.cpp, line 250, domNotImplemented()

Can you try when the Dolet plugin for Sibelius produces an xml that does load without a crash?
Might have to do with lyrics on grace notes (which in not supported by MuseScore currently)

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