Middle C: C4 ---> C3 ---> dó3

• Jun 1, 2018 - 11:10

At the bottom of the page, Musescore says the name of the notes, for example: middle C appears as C4. It would be nice if one could configure Musescore to show different names that are use in different parts of the world. I would like musescore showing middle C as C3; even better, it could use the names dó, ré mi, fá, sol, lá, si. So, middle C, for example, would be dó3.


If/When this is made possible, I think it should also apply to the pitches shown in the "Edit Strings" entries (as for a guitar)

I agree with this concept, even though I use C4 as middle C. Seeing a note labeled differently than one is used to naming it can be distracting and would not enhance someone's productivity. Discussion on Facebook has all but convinced me that this is an impossible thing to program, so I would like to also offer another option: the ability to completely eliminate the display of the note name altogether, which would avoid the distraction of seeing a note that isn't labeled the way in which one has been trained to recognize.

It would be better for the program to change the displayed name on the user's computer, but if that is impossible to accomplish, then having the option to never display the note name would be the next best option.

In reply to by Alijam Music

"Discussion on Facebook has all but convinced me that this is an impossible thing to program..."

I don't think so. Setting up a few arrays of notes so the user can chose his names for notes is no more difficult than doing the same thing for chord names. There are no issues changing between German, French, Latin American, etc. naming conventions there. There is no reason not to allow it except the programmer doesn't want it done. I don't do Facebook, so I don't know who told you that.

In reply to by mike320

If the note name composition is currently obtained using single characters, adapting it so that it uses strings may require quite a bit of work. If it is currently obtained using strings, I think it could be a trivial task instead.

A greater amount of work would arise from adapting the dialogs needed for the interaction with the user, I fear.

Anyway, I don't need such a feature.

In reply to by Aldo

There must be some conversion happening between the midi note number and F#, which is not a single letter. I can't imagine converting to note names without having the note names in an array already. I know they are not exposed to the translators, but there are other strings that are not exposed to the translators either. Some are by design and make sense.

There was another discussion on making MuseScore only partially international, and limiting note names to American names is part of keeping MuseScore only partially international. By the way I'm an American, the native language of MuseScore is GREAT for me. I wouldn't like it if the French version of the notes were used, forcing me to memorize the French names so I can change string tunings, or only see French note names in the status bar.

In reply to by mike320

I can not to understand the final issue here...

It is something about the name of the notes??? I'm very proud to live in Chile (most beautiful place in the universe!!!). We speak Spanish here. We use "do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and si" note names, as usual. BUT... Every Chilean musician learn to use the "A B C D E F and G" system. So... There is no a real problem.

BUT... If you can change the real pitch of the central C (do)... It is another very different issue.

Up to me, C4 is the central C as international standard. It is that way in my piano. So...

In reply to by jotape1960

The final issue is that MuseScore is supposed to be international and translated into all of the languages it supports. That includes the different ways notes are named around the world. Some people call middle C, C4, others call it C with various ' marks to indicate other the octave and others call it do3 as you do in Argentina. My point is that there is no reason the notes cannot be set to be called by any naming convention used in any country.

In reply to by jeetee

I don't care too much about C3 vs. C4, but would definably want the notenames in the status bar being translatable, They are in other places, like the instruments' range dialog and the string data dialog, although I'm not sure about the octave part of these, and that should also be independent of language used.

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