Shared noteheads: selection problem

• Aug 9, 2018 - 10:35

Open the attached MS file. Note the shared noteheads at A, B, C, D.

  1. Click on shared notehead A or C. Note that the voice 1 notehead is selected.
  2. Clear the previous selection, then click on shared notehead B or D. Note that (unexpectedly?) the voice 2 notehead is selected.

Expected behaviour: Click selection should always default to the same voice (probably voice 1?).

  1. Shift + Click on shared notehead A or C. As expected, only the shared notehead "chord" is selected (because selection follows the voice 1 duration).
  2. Clear the previous selection, then Shift + Click on shared notehead B or D. Note that (unexpectedly?) the following chord is also selected (because, in this case, selection follows the voice 2 duration).

Expected behaviour: Shift + click on a shared notehead should select only that notehead (i.e. it should follow the shortest duration note).

Attachment Size
selecting_shared_noteheads.mscz 5.77 KB


Due to the way the layout algorithms work, it is unpredicatable which element will end up on top when there are overlaps between elements of the same type. In 3.0, it will be possible to manually override this, which I guess could help. I've also proposed and implemented / submitted a PR for a feature where successive Ctrl+click operations would cycle through overlapping elements. Unfortunately I've been unable to get anyone excited about that even though I feel it would be very useful.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I had found this inconsistency already in the past, but I had not yet looked more closely.
This behavior occurs when the shared noteheads are below or above the standard staff (notes with ledger lines)
A "particular case": the C, first ledger line, may be selected (voice 1) but when clicking "on" or "above" its legder line (and "under" the ledger line for the A, above the staff)
See: ledger lines.mscz
With linked staves, it's a bit different, it works under the staff, but not above: ledger lines + TAB.mscz

A trick is to add lines, in Staff properties (see your edited file): selecting_added lines.mscz
But not sure it's a good idea, because it 's very unexpected - and misleading - to read notes in a standard staff of 7 or 8 lines!
To use only in case of intensive use for a particular score.
The use cases can be numerous, it deserves to be submitted in the Issue Tracker.

NB: in the current master, nothing is selected (hightlighted, ie all remains black) whatever the shared noteheads.

I'd like to propose the following fixes:

  1. Shift clicking a shared notehead should result in a selection based on the shortest duration note.
  2. Clicking on a shared notehead should, by default, select the lowest voice notehead.

In reply to by geetar

It goes without saying, as workarounds, if you prefer to select voice 1 when shared noteheads are on ledger lines, use the Alt + Up shortcut (or accessibility shortcuts)
But that does not solve the question of selection with Shift + click. Which is so with the addition of lines.

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