When entering tied notes in continuous view in other than voice 1, no scrolling occurs.

• Aug 22, 2018 - 15:31
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor
won't fix

Using version 2.3.2 on Windows 10.

Place the note entry cursor far enough from the right margin that entering a note will not cause MuseScore to scroll. Enter a note in other than voice 1 and press + repeatedly and you will see MuseScore will never scroll so you can see where the last note was entered even after the cursor has left the screen.

Related to #272135: [EPIC] Continuous view issues


Status (old) active won't fix
Status active won't fix

Seems to be fixed in 3.0-dev, and since it isn't a crash-causing bug, I don't think it will be fixed? Development on 2.x has stopped, apart for critical bugs I think.