No Midi In-Put

• Aug 26, 2018 - 11:00

Beginner with Musescore: using a MacBook Air, Yamaha keyboard. The keyboard is plugged into the computer and turned on before booting up the computer. Using an AB to USB cable suggested by Yamaha. In Musescore preferences, I/O tab, PortAudio is checked. API: Core Audio, MIDI Input: CoreMIDI, Portable Grand Port1. Nothing else in the drop down list. Device: Built-in Output, MIDI Output has the same CoreMIDI, Portable Grand Port1. It doesn't work with the out-put device selected or without it selected. Under the Note In-Put tab, Enable MIDI input is checked, the MIDI Remote Control checked or unchecked doesn't work either. I often use headphones with my keyboard because I play early in the morning. i thought maybe that was the problem but it doesn't work without the headphones either. The MIDI icon is depressed. I don't know what else to try. Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated as I am totally frustrated at this point.


Are you talking about MIDI input or MIDI output? MIDI input has nothing to do with what you hear, only with what happens when entering notes into the program. Are you saying that your goal is to hear the playback come through your keyboard rather than from MuseScore? If so, you need to make sure that MIDI output is set to your device. You may also want to silence the built-in synthesizer in MsueScore via View / Synthesizer. If you are talking about input, be sure you're in note input mode. Are you saying you press a key and nothing happens? How about if you click in the score - does that enter a note? What if you press a key after that? If so, it suggests a problem that is solved by making sure you have the latest version of MsueScore (2.3.2), or else your keyboard is not sending proper note off events.

If I've misunderstood the problem, or if this is what you've already tried, please attach an image of your Edit / Preference / I/O dialog to help us understand better.

In reply to by sagesmom

I have no insight into "Core Audio" or mac-specific stuff, but could also check the other things I mentioned? That is, make sure you have MuseScore 2.3.2, also see what happens if you first enter a note with the mouse or computer keyboard and then, without leaving note input mode, pressing a key on the MIDI keyboard. If the latter works but adds a note to the chord rather than entering a note, it suggests a problem with the note-off handling, and if you don't have 2.3.2, that's the fix. If you do have 2.3.2, it suggests the fix didn't work in at least one case...

In reply to by sagesmom

And to be clear - you do this immediately* after clicking in the score, no leaving and en-entering note input mode? And also, once again, you have verified you are using 2.3.2? See Help / About.

If "Portable Grand Port1" doesn't sound like your keyboard, maye see if there is something else you can select there?

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