How to: get different parts to play/rest during repeats
Sorry if this is already somewhere, but I'm not really sure how to search for it, so the search I did try didn't turn up anything relevant. In a repeated-three-times section, I want certain parts to play all three times, but other parts to play only once, resting the other two times through (think: three different solos w/ rhythm section accompaniment): is there a way to control during which repeat a particular part should play, or do I have to actually score the same section three times to achieve playback the way I want it? Thanks!
OS: OS X 10.13, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 2.3.1, revision: 0899e9d
To get proper playback you have to score it three times. The good news is that you only need to copy and paste most of it.
In reply to To get proper playback you… by mike320
:( Is there a way to get it to print/PDF as a repeated section? (Without having two different scores, that is.)
In reply to :( Is there a way to get it… by OlyDLG
OK, assuming the answer is "No, if you want a score that will print the section as repeated, but you also want playback as you specify, you'll need two separate scores," I no longer need the (hidden) second voice, which I was using for an example solo for playback, in the score-for-printing: is there a way to just clear everything in that second voice and have it not be replaced with rests, i.e., just delete that second voice altogether? Thanks again!
In reply to OK, assuming the answer is … by OlyDLG
You are correct, it takes two scores to both look and play correctly. This is an often requested feature, and one I see needed from time to time, so hopefully someone will make a text that will allow you to select which repetitions an instrument will play.
In reply to OK, assuming the answer is … by OlyDLG
Try using the selection filter.
Menu: Show/Selection filter.
Set it to select only voice 2, select the notes and delete.
In reply to Try using the selection… by neGjodsbol
Voices are probably not an issue here. Most often on repeats with only part of the orchestra playing is for Oboe II second time only or something like that. Deleting a voice or a part, except while writing out what is actually played without showing the repeats is likely not useful.
In reply to Voices are probably not an… by mike320
I was responding to this:
'is there a way to just clear everything in that second voice and have it not be replaced with rests, i.e., just delete that second voice altogether'.
I think the Selection filter is the solution for that.
In reply to I was responding to this:… by neGjodsbol
Thanks, I (at least) understood that. :-) I had already tried that, and I agree that it sounds like it should be the ticket, but it didn't work: I don't have my score handy at the moment, but IIRC, delete isn't one of the options offered once the filter has selected the appropriate elements; I don't know if this is a bug, a feature, or if I simply wasn't using it right (e.g., do I need to hold down a modifier key to see an expanded menu; do i need to just ingnore the menu options I'm shown and press delete, which I think I tried, but I don't remember for certain; both?) but I eventually had to select, via command-click, each element individually, and then delete, and then it replaced them w/ rests, which I then needed to delete the same way to completely clear the staff of any evidence of a second voice: very annoying!!! All I can say is, be really, really certain of adding more voices before doing so, 'cause they're a bitch to remove later.
In reply to Thanks, I (at least)… by OlyDLG
If you have the notes selected you should be able to just press 'Delete'.
In reply to If you have the notes… by neGjodsbol
I'm attaching an annotated series of screen shots of what I see when I try to do as you describe.
Voice 2 are the hidden notes.
No "Select Like"
"Select >" looks like the only relevant option, so I select that;
So selecting all the elements meeting the criteria appears to have worked (but what if I wanted to clear Voice 2 in only some range of measures, not the whole song?), and "Replace selection" doesn't appear to have done anything. So I again press my keyboard "delete" button and get:
It simply replaced all the notes with rests, not deleted the Voice contents entirely. Now, yes, I can repeat the procedure on the rests to get rid of them efficiently (Delete does at least do that), but still, this seems like, at best, "strange" default behavior: just as you seem to assume, I would assume that Delete should result in complete removal, not replacement with rests.
Here's the initial state:
Here's what I see under the Edit Menu after I've selected a single note:
Here's what I see upon ctrl-clicking the selected note:
Here's what I see:
I found that the first two options select too much (not enough control over what's "similar")
So I select "More..."; here's what I see:
None of the "Action" options are what I want, but nevertheless I select the "Same staff" and "Same voice" options:
I try unselecting the "Replace selection" radio button, to no avail; I try pressing my keyboard "delete" button at this stage, again nothing happens. Trusting I'll be able "undo" what ever "Replace selection" might do, I go ahead and click "OK"; here's what I get:
So: bug (i.e., something I should file a ticket over), feature, or am I not using it right?
In reply to I'm attaching an annotated… by OlyDLG
You are not using the selection filter. Press F6 to toggle it. You can then select an entire section of music and remove the checks from the voices you don't want to delete, the press delete and then make sure you have a solid check in All before you close it.
In reply to You are not using the… by mike320
Excellent, thanks! I figured there must be something I wasn't doing right: thanks again!
In reply to I'm attaching an annotated… by OlyDLG
A couple of other points I think you may have misunderstood:
The selection filter is only relevant when doing range selections - selections that display a blue box. It is not relevant when clicking a single note.
Right-click is different from click. If you have a device with two buttons, right click means clicking the button on the right. Otherwise, it is often some other gesture like Ctrl+click or two-finger tap
When I write of Select / All Similar Elements, this is not on the standard menu - it's on the menu that pops up after you right-click something.
In reply to A couple of other points I… by Marc Sabatella
"The selection filter is only relevant when doing range selections - selections that display a blue box. It is not relevant when clicking a single note."
Good to know.
"Right-click is different from click."
Of course, that is basic; however, I use a trackpad, exclusively, on a Mac laptop, so I'm always needing to figure out which alternate-clicking paradigm I'm supposed to use (sometimes it's command click, sometimes ctrl click, sometimes shift click, etc., w/ no discernible-by-me rhyme or reason).
"When I write of Select / All Similar Elements, this is not on the standard menu - it's on the menu that pops up after you right-click something."
I am well aware: indeed, I display as much in my screenshots.
Basically, the issue was I didn't even know of the existence of the selection filter--I thought the first reference to that in this thread was to the pop up menu one get's by ctrl clicking (on Mac) on an element: this thread would have been much shorter if someone had simply mentioned the F6 button earlier on! ;-)
In reply to "The selection filter is… by OlyDLG
For the record, most programs - including MuseScore - use the various clicks pretty consistently:
Single left click - select something
Single right click (Mac: Ctrl+click) - pop up context menu
Ctrl+click (Mac: Cmd+click) - add something to selection
Shift+click - extend selection to include range
Double click - edit something
There may indeed be other app-specific gestures, but these are fairly universal.
Anyhow, you're right that I missed you had found this already. But perhaps you did miss that you have to do a range selection first in order for the menu item I mentioned - Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection - to be meaningful. That's why it was grayed out for you and why none of the other options seemed to be useful.
In reply to Thanks, I (at least)… by OlyDLG
the filter in no way changes what options are available to you. Delete is a command offered by MuseScore so it is available with or without the filter enabled and it works precisely the same way - either press the Delete key or use Edit / Delete from the menu.
Also, while deleting notes individually does indeed leave rests behind, deleting the whole thing at once with the filter won't. And in any case, you never need to Ctrl+click things individually to select all of them in a range.
Instead, select the range, then right click one thing, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection.
So anyhow, removing a voice from a range is as simple as selecting the range, unselecting any other voices in Selection Filter, and pressing Delete - takes but a few seconds.
In reply to the filter in no way changes… by Marc Sabatella
Like this:
Sorry, as you can see, it deletes everything, not just the selected voice.
In reply to I was responding to this:… by neGjodsbol
I missed that, you are correct.
I guess this feature request is managed at:
Add a "second time only" option (For repeats, not Volta)