Unwantaed transposition when copying

• Oct 22, 2018 - 20:10

I’m trying to combine/clean up some bagpipe music for my band. It involes opening two different BWW files, which open perfectly fine. One one of them I add a second instrument (also a bagpipe) with the same key. One I copy and past the score from one file to the other it automatically transposes certain notes consistently, usually the B. I have no clue why it does this.

Is there a way to copy/paste and force it to not transpose any notes?


Make sure both the source and the destination instruments have the same transposition and you have both displayed the same, that is with the Concert pitch button either pressed or not in both scores.

If only some notes are transposed but not others, this indicates a type of corruption present within the file. Was the score perhaps created with an older version, from say at least a year or two ago? There was a problem that could sometimes cause this (for instance on using the "J" command to toggle enharmonic spelling), and while it was fixed long ago, scores created with earlier versions could still have this latent problem in them. But since BWW import is not used very often, it's also possible some similar problem exists there that was never reported until now.

Anyhow, in order to understand and assist better, we'd need you to attach the score.

I think I see what is going on. It's probably user error on my part. When I create a new score with a bagpipe I select D major/E minor as the key. When the blank score is created is as a E major/C# minor. If I create a new score with a bagpipe and select C major as the key the blank score is created as D major/E minor.

I don't know if this is a bug or a feature... At least I figured out what I was doing wrong.

In reply to by David Lairson

What you describe is expected for a transposing instrument. If you are writing only for the bagpipe, make sure you have concert pitch turned off. If you are writing for other instruments also, I suggest that you turn on concert pitch so you can see the notes in relation to one another in concert/actual pitch.

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