MuseScore keeps crashing on startup

• Oct 26, 2018 - 01:37

Hello, I am trying to install MuseScore on my computer but every time I try to launch it, the program crashes. I never had a problem with this before. I had to do a full wipe on my computer and when I try to install the program, it crashes on startup. I already tried:

Downloading older versions of MuseScore 2
Reinstalling MuseScore multiple times
Restarting my computer

Any help is appreciated,


In reply to by dimitri.compton.9

I'm down to two possibilities.

First, you have some piece of hardware or software that is incompatible with MuseScore that is not on the list. Try running it with no Midi devices or printers attached to your computer to see if that fixes the problem. I mean, unplug them, don't just turn them off. Also, remember if you added any new software or hardware since you last successfully ran MuseScore. I'm guessing your hard drive is not the problem.

The second possibility is that you did not properly revert to factory settings. Doing this requires the proper -F or -R command line option. Command line options are case sensitive. The case sensitive command line options refer to -w, -d and -s as well. You may also try -n.

If none of this helps, one final thing that may give someone insight is if you use MuseScore to convert a MuseScore file to a midi file, just to see if it actually runs. I've not used this feature, so someone like Marc or Jojo could tell you how to do this using command line options.

Edit: I just saw that Marc has not commented on this thread, but I'm sure he's been looking at it.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I thought -n might bipass the start center and open directly in a new score. As far as using MuseScore in command line to convert a file from .mscz to .midi or other conversions, the handbook lacks a sufficient explanation. I could figure it out but I didn't want to have to stop and restart MuseScore for this. -m is another option to help figure out what might be causing the problem.

All of this is now moot since the OP got MuseScore to work.

In reply to by mike320

I figured out the problem! I uninstalled a couple of software to see if that fixed the issue and it did. I believe that "Motorola Bluetooth" software was causing this issue, so I uninstalled it and MuseScore is now running. Thank you for the help!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I uninstalled the following softwares:
"Motorola Bluetooth"
"Bigfoot Network Killer"
"WinRar 5.6.0"
I reinstalled winrar to 5.6.1 and it works but I don't think that was the one causing it to crash. I think that the Motorola Bluetooth made MuseScore crash. That's all I uninstalled and it works perfectly again!

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