changing sp

• Jan 8, 2019 - 08:32

When I change the value of sp I would like to sweep the mouse backwards over the existing value to indicate that I want to enter a completely new value. Often Muse Score does not accept the new value, preferring to stick to 1.000 which is presumably the default. How do I enter my own value to three decimal points?


If an input files only provided 2 digits after the decimal point, there's nothing you can do about it
Changing sp values that finegrained isn't usefull either, considering that 1sp usually and by default is 1.764mm

In reply to by Keith Paton

The sp setting doesn't like to be manually edited. You can put the cursor before the digit you want to change, press delete and type the new number. You can also drag to highlight an individual digit and type a new one. Thee are probably other ways to coax it into changing, but one of these should work for you.

In reply to by Keith Paton

@Keith, it's not that editing sp isn't worthwhile, it's just the number spinner (the box you type the number in) is buggy. For some reason it likes to fill itself in to three decimal places while you are trying to edit it, which means you can't type any more digits, but it isn't supposed to do this.

Edit: created issue #281445: Page Settings: staff space (spatium) control pads input before user has finished editing

In reply to by Keith Paton

If I have an orphan measure (one on a system by itself) I usually select the measure and all of the measures on the previous system and press { a couple of times and it normally joins up with those. If after about 10 presses of { it doesn't work, I then adjust sp or put system breaks on the previous 2 or 3 systems. I put these in the next to the last measure each time to force more measures onto the last system with the orphan. You have to start at the top system where you are doing this and work down for it to work.

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