Deleted Excessive Rests
I have about 7 beats in a 4/4 bar I need to get rid of the excessive rests but can't. Even with a cut, it just replaces it with another rest. I get the business about music is either sounds or silence but this is nuts..... I have too many beats in a bar. You need to give users that ability if it's not there now.
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Take a look at the handbook...
It seems that many measures have been modified (as you can see from the small blue +)
You can also use ctrl+delete to get rid of extra beats.
In reply to You can also use ctrl+delete… by mike320
Thank you Mike ...exactly what I was looking for. I just don't understand why they don't use Delete.
In reply to Thank you Mike ...exactly… by ChollyMo
Delete clears a note and leaves a rest. ctrl+delete removes entire beats. A better question is how did you add extra beats? You need to know so you don't do it by accident. It will be explained in
In reply to Delete clears a note and… by mike320
Thanks Mike. Very insightful.
In reply to Delete clears a note and… by mike320
I'm now trying to delete that 32 nd note at the beginning of line 2 and it won't budge. By fiddling with the menu I was able to remove not just that note , but a CNTRL DEL removes the whole line.
In reply to I'm now trying to delete… by ChollyMo
While we are at it, I lost a bar line at the very beginning such that I'm leading off with 8 beats in the first bar.
In reply to While we are at it, I lost a… by ChollyMo
You can select a barline and press ctrl+delete to join two measures. It seems you did this.
In reply to While we are at it, I lost a… by ChollyMo
Sorry Mike. I'm trying to add a barline in two spots where they have disappeared from. I have 8 beats in a bar where I want 4. I've already mastered removing barlines without intent :>(
In reply to I'm now trying to delete… by ChollyMo
I don't know what the problem is. I clicked the note head and pressed ctrl+delete and it went away and the blue + went away as expected.
In reply to I don't know what the… by mike320
I'm beginning to think my computer is just too old. A Panasonic CF52 toughbook.
In reply to I don't know what the… by mike320
I'm also having quite a time just inserting rests in between the last note in a bar and the bar line. Instead the rest keeps falling in between the last 2 notes of the bar.
In reply to I'm also having quite a time… by ChollyMo
Don't think of inserting rests. Music is written left to right, just as it is read. So if you want note-rest-note, that's how you should enter it. if you've accidentally entered it wrong, s now you want the second note later, just move it later, using cut and paste. The rest appears automatically.
In reply to Delete clears a note and… by mike320
Have the same problem. Ctrl delete takes out notes with the rest. Any other ideas? I hate just greying these rests. They don't belong.
In reply to Delete clears a note and… by mike320
Have the same problem. Ctrl delete takes out notes with the rest. Any other ideas? I hate just greying these rests. They don't belong.
In reply to Have the same problem. Ctrl… by aneighth
Which rests don't belong? In order to understand and advise better, we would need you to attach your actual score (or at least a relevant excerpt). common mistake is to skip voice 1, but that voice always needs to be present. So if you don't skip that voice, there should only rarely be unneeded rests - in a multiple-voice context, the rules of notation usually require all voices to be accounted for on all beats, except for a few specific exceptions. And in those few specific cases, you can either press "V" or even delete them with Delete.
In reply to Which rests don't belong? … by Marc Sabatella
Hi Marc. Ièm a newbie and this is the first time I have tried to send a picture of the issue. Hope it gets to you. You will see floating rests. As well there seems to be no way I can put a dynamic on the third beat of a held note. When I try to remove the floating rests my notes disappear. I have greyed some and hope when the music is printed they don't appear. No way can I hear an increase of volume on th
e crescendo.
In reply to Hi Marc. Ièm a newbie and… by aneighth
You did manage the picture, but for future reference - normally it's better to attach the score (the actual MSCZ file), not just a picture of it. As it is, though, I can at least partially guess what is happening. You have all these rests in the LH of the piano part that shouldn't be there simply because you appear to have made the common mistake of skipping voice 1. Don't do that. Always enter notes into voice 1 for each staff. So, first step should be to fix that - select the music on that staff - which I'm guessing you put in voice 2 or 4 - and use Tools / Voices to move it to voice 1 where it belongs.
As for the kazoo (?), you shouldn't need those intermediate dynamics at all - simply placing a crescendo on the note should be good. Her'es where the picture doesn't help. If you say it isn't playing back properly otherwise, we'd need the actual score to understand why. Best guess is you chose a sound that doesn't support single note dynamics, and the solution is to change to one that does.
The only time you'd normally need to insert a dynamic in the middle of a held note is if you want it to start with a crescendo then change to diminuendo (or vice versa) within the same note. In those cases, a rest in another voice will indeed be needed, and yes, simply pressing "V' to make it invisible works perfectly. It's still greyed out on screen so you can see it well enough to select it later for further editing, but it won't print. And if you get tired of seeing it on screen, you can turn off display of invisible elements using the View menu.
In reply to You did manage the picture,… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you. As a newbie I'm confused by the term voice. Does each staff have 4 voices? Sounds dumb I know. How do I select voice one?
In reply to Thank you. As a newbie I'm… by aneighth
Yes, each staff has up to four voices. Voice 1 is the default, you have to go out of your way to enter notes in any other voice, such as by using the four colored buttons on the toolbar. Apparently you figured it out at once time, as I see multiple voices used in the piano RH.
I very much doubt the problem is with your computer, it's much more likely just not understanding how to use MuseScore properly.
As mentioned, you shouldn't normally ever have too many beats in a measure, so there wouldn't normally be a need to delete extra beats. it's more a very special purpose thing you'd do quite rarely. Wherweas deleting the contents of a measure is something one would do many many many times. That's why the far more common operation (delete contents) gets the simpler shortcut (Delete) while the much more rare operation (remove slice of time completely) requires control.
It's not clear how you got all those extra beats in your measures, but my guess is you tried using Insert (aka "Timewise") mode without understanding what it is for. This is also meant to be an extremely rare thing you use only when you want extra beats in your measure.
In reply to I very much doubt the… by Marc Sabatella
Marc I have these bars that need rests at the end of the bar. I cannot insert them. When I try to, the rest pops in between the last two notes of the bar and not the last note and bar line.
In reply to Marc I have these bars that… by ChollyMo
If you attach your score and explain exactly what you are trying to change about it, we can understand and assist better. As it is, I can merely repeat what I said before: don't think about "inserting" something and having some unspecified number of subsequent things move over for you. Instead, just select the things you want moved and move them.
And keep in mind, if the measure has the correct number of beats, then you can not insert anything - you'd end up with two many beats. Only if something happened and you somehow ended up with a measure with the wrong number of beats - something should never normally happen unless you start messing with commands like insert mode or Ctrl+Delete that are not meant for ordinary editing - would you need to insert anything. In that case, best way to fix that error might be to right-click the measure, Measure Properties, and correct the "Actual duration" to where it started.
In reply to If you attach your score and… by Marc Sabatella
I can't be any clearer than I've already been. I've posted the score twice now and explained exactly what I'm "trying to change about it". I'm not trying to move anything. As I said, I need a rest at the end of two or three different bars which obviously means I need to insert them. And, not surprisingly they do not have the correct number of beats. They, the rests, are not being inserted in the correct place, ie adjacent to the bar lines.
In reply to I can't be any clearer than… by ChollyMo
I also think the problem are the measure properties. In many measures the actual duration is changed, compared to the nominal duration. This should be corrected to get the right number of beats.
In reply to I think the problem are the… by Mr Fox
Thanks Mr. Fox. I looked at a couple of the problematic bars and they look OK. I would expect as much as the bars i want to put rests in are in fact tagged with minus signs indicating that I am missing beats. And replenishing the bars with an adequate number of beats is not the problem. What the problem is , is that the rests are not landing in the right spot. I CAN'T WEDGE THEM IN BETWEEN THE LAST NOTE OF A BAR AND THE BAR LINE !!!! Everytime I select a rest and point to the last note in a bar , or the tiny space after the last note but before the bar line and click, the rest is inserted but not where I want it. Instead it is put in between the last two notes of the bar and not the desired last note and bar line. OR Let me put it another way: I don't want 1/4 note, 1/4 note , 1/4 rest, 1/4 note................................................... What I want is 1/4 note, 1/4 note, 1/4 note, 1/4 rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't get that last 1/4 rest to fit in there if I used a virtual jack hammer. It always lands in the 3rd position, not the desired fourth.
In reply to Thanks Mr. Fox. I looked at… by ChollyMo
Maybe this is the problem: You cannot insert a rest in a existing score. You only can change the duration of a rest. Cut the note and paste it on the right place. The position of the rest changes automaticaly.
In reply to Maybe this is the problem:… by Mr Fox
I can insert a thousand rests in an existing score. I've done it. Me not being able to insert a rest is not the problem. THE PROBLEM IS IT'S NOT BEING INSERTED IN THE CORRECT PLACE !!! It jumps to the left, when I click and lands between the last two notes of the bar, which is not where I want it.
In reply to I can insert a thousand… by ChollyMo
Is it this, what you want in measure 5?
In reply to Is it this, what you want in… by Mr Fox
No. There was nothing wrong with measure 5. I'll post again what I have and you will see the two minus signs on the second line above two of those bars. It is these that I wish to add rests to, in order to make the song sound correct. A quarter rest in the first bar that is in deficit and an eighth rest in the other. Both rests need to terminate the bar they go in.
In reply to No. There was nothing wrong… by ChollyMo
I changed both measure properties, then it looks like this.
In reply to I changed measure properties… by Mr Fox
BINGO !! You got it. Now can you tell me how you did that ? And lastly, to clean this up, you can see I'm missing bar lines from those measures that have a plus sign above them. I do not know how i did that but need to put them back in. I'm guessing again it is the measure properties ??
In reply to BINGO !! You got it. Now can… by ChollyMo
I only can repeat, do this:
Then split the measures with + :
In reply to I only can repeat, do this:… by Mr Fox
I have tested, and there are two bugs in Timewise input.
They probably explain the difficulties.
Bug 1: impossible to insert a note at the end of the measure. If the last note is selected, you insert before the last note, if the first note of the next measure is selected, you insert in the next measure.
Bug 2: impossible to insert a rest. using keys a, b, c, ... correctly insert notes, but key 0 replaces notes by rest instead of inserting rest.
In reply to I have tested, and there are… by frfancha
Thanks and it pretty much describes what i have been experiencing.
In reply to I only can repeat, do this:… by Mr Fox
I tried that , to split the first measure into it's two proper 4 beat bars and it worked perfectly and then by some mysterious evil force, it moved it right back to how it was before. So I went back and again right clicked and opened Measure Properties. Again I corrected the Actual measure duration from 16/8 to it's proper 4/4. When i clicked Apply or OK, it gave me my nice first 4/4 bar but it deleted the second half of the former 16/8 bar.This program seems to act on it's own whims.
In reply to I tried that , to split the… by ChollyMo
Measure 1 you can split directly into two measures before the c. Measure 7 you have to set to 8/4 or 32/16, and then split it on the right positon. (I used the third method: Tools→Measure→Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest)
In reply to Measure 1 you can split… by Mr Fox
Thanks. That did the trick !!
In reply to I tried that , to split the… by ChollyMo
It's possible you accidentally hit Ctrl+Z or clicked the undo button on the toolbar, that's the only thing I can think of that would cause something to go back to how it was before.
Reducing the duration of a measure does indeed remove any notes or rests that no longer fit. If your goal was to keep those but move them to a new measure, then don't use actual duration to shorten the measure - use Tools > Measure > Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest.
At this point, though, I would actually recommend you start over on this score, and this time do not ever use timewise mode or Ctrl+Delete or Measure Properties. They simply were never meant for the sorts of things you are doing - they are meant for people who actually want measures with the wrong number of beats.
In reply to I can't be any clearer than… by ChollyMo
Actually, it would help if you were clearer. You have attached tow different versions of a score, and you haven't said which measure you are trying to insert a rest into, or described exactly how you are trying to do this.
I realize you haven't tried to move anything. That's precisely the problem. You should be moving things, that's exactly how normal inserts are done. You should not be attempting to use the timewise mode, or using ctrl+delete, unless you are deliberately trying to create measures with too many or too few beats. Adding a rest at the end of a bar simply does not make musical sense - it will result in the measure having too many beats. So maybe you are trying to do this to correct an error you made in deleting a beat from the measure (which you should not have done to begin with) - and if so, using Measure Properties allows you to correct the length, no need to think about inserting anything.
If that doesn't help, then again, if you tell us precisely what you are trying to do - which measure of which version of the score you want to add a rest to, and what you want to happen to the following notes - we can help.
I have another question: The answer Cholly was ably to fine (Ctrl or command+delete) was unable to solve the problem, it made it worse. This is due to the fact that EIGHT SIXTEENTHS IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO SIXTEEN SIXTEENTHS, which is what it did.
I am using 4/4 time, which means four quarter notes fit into a bar. The problem here is that it fitted (somehow) six quarters into a 4/4 bar, and using that tool made it even worse, as it just ended the barline with 8/16.
In reply to I have another question: The… by [DELETED] 36163018
The score is corrupt:
Measure 16, Staff 19 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 6/4
Measure 16, Staff 20 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 6/4
Measure 16, Staff 22 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 6/4
Measure 16, Staff 23 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 6/4
Fixed score attached