Treble clef being forced although I indicate bass clef (after save/close then open score)
Two-part music. Top part is for soprano recorder; clef is treble 8va alta. Bottom part is for bass recorder; clef is bass 8va alta. For the bottom part, I indicate bass clef 8va alta, and this works, but after saving/closing score and reopening it, MuseScore 3 forces a treble clef 8va alta (followed by a clef change to bass 8va alta). The weird thing is, this behavior only happens on some of the (similar) pieces I'm working on, but not others; I'm sure there is a reason for this behavior driven by the score's data, but I have yet to figure it out. Also, when I look at Edit -> Instruments, I see that instruments are pre-assigned clefs; the recorder instrument is pre-assigned treble clef 8va alta; I have not been able to change this to the correct clef for a bass recorder. So, in short, how can I keep MuseScore from forcing a treble clef for a part when what I really want is a bass clef? Thanks for your help.
OS: macOS Mojave (10.14), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 58dd23d
Can you share the score?
In reply to Can you share the score? by Jojo-Schmitz
Here it is.
See #287385: Initial clef displayed mid-measure if non-generated system barline present. Somehow the barline at the beginning of the system got marked as having been customized, and this triggered the bug. Click the initial barline on the bottom staff, hit Delete, and you should be good.
In reply to See #287385: Initial clef… by Marc Sabatella
That did it. Thanks so much, Marc. And yes, I may have messed with the initial barline in trying to add a bracket to encompass both parts. Thanks again.