How to split the tacent measures in the full score...

• Apr 30, 2019 - 17:26

I'm editing a full score when this comes up: Integrated Tacent Measures.png
How am I supposed to split them back? Also, this mode can easily cause measure corruption.


'split back'? In the full score your not supposed to use multimeasure rests, so toogle them with M. You may use 'Hide empty staves' though.
Not sure why you're affraid of corrupting measures here.

In reply to by Howard-C

I've never seen corruption happening just from pasting with multimeasure rests and I use them a lot. So I wouldn't be more afraid of them than any other MuseScore feature (complex tuplets, on the other hand, have long been the worst offender, followed by copy/paste involving voices overlapping multiple voices with holes in them). It's possible your score was already corrupt and you just didn't notice it until then or something specific about the content of what you were pasting? Anyhow, if you come up with specific steps to reproduce the corruption, do let us know.

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