Add hotkey for dragging objects inmediatly when mouse motion starts

• Aug 6, 2019 - 14:36

The dragging system has some security feature, that acts as if the objects were stuck to its place and one has to move away the mouse some distance before the dragging begins. This is convenient to avoid accidental dragging when selecting by clicking.

But, when I want to slightly correct the position of an object, I have to click and drag the object out of place and then drag it back, which is awkward, specially when there are a lot of objects which I want correct.

So I think it would be desirable to have some key (let's say Alt) to bypass that feature.


I've not noticed a delay in dragging items unless the item has been auto placed and the destination is between the "dead" location and the auto placed location. As Jojo, said, if there are several items with the same adjustment, select all of the items and use the inspector. is instructions on making a list selection and some hints on making it faster in some cases.

Or use the arrow keys, that's usually most efficient. For some elements you need to double-click to enable edit mode, others can be moved after a single click.

There is indeed a built-in "fudge factor" to prevent accidental moving, it's just a few pixels. In principle, it would be possible to make it so a keyboard modifier disabled that, but I'm not sure it's a great use of keyboard modifiers, which are already being used for a number of other important functions.

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