Tremolo dynamics standard

• Oct 28, 2019 - 23:15

Hi, Gang!!!

Excuse my ignorance. Even the fact I'm an old musician, I'm not familiarized with this specific dynamics management.

Please, think about a typical long whole note playing with tremolo by the tymbals, in some bar.

Is there some "International Standard" to put dynamic signs to indicate to the player that we want the first note of the tremolo as FFF, immediately a PPP to the next tremolo note, and then a crescendo to the rest of the tremolo notes? ...???

Even the fact I know MuseScore cannot to perform a real audible dynamics change with it, I'm asking about if there is some "Standard" about how to write this specific dynamics indication.

It is intended to clarify that, If we use a whole note with tremolo..., MuseScore doesn't let us to put more than one dynamics sign in that bar.


Thanks a lot for your time!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



You can put multiple dynamics in the measure by putting them in another voice with invisible rests. This is actually how it is done in Braille music. As long as all of the dynamics are in the same voice, they will work in MuseScore as well as they work on that instrument. Tremolos on percussion don't work, on strings they work fine. The idea is the same for all instruments. I'm working under the assumption the tymbal is a percussion instrument. I've never heard of the tymbal and couldn't find it by looking on line, so I don't know anything specific about it.

The standard marking to mean play loud then immediately get quiet is "fp". Follow that by a crescendo if you want it to then gradually get louder again (very common after an "fp"). This all applies whether you are talking about a tremolo or just a normal note.

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