Add/remove tabs

• Nov 6, 2019 - 13:49

Hi, there. This is my first post so I hope this is the right place to ask.
I've never used any notation software so perhaps I'm asking too dumb questions or perhaps something not so easy. I also understand that some of the things I'm asking are more related to presentation and layout while Musescore is not a "text/block editor" but a score editor and somehow it should be able to be played.

Getting to the point: I'm trying to write some basic lead sheets for my younger guitar students. I think I've found the way to load a template with staff and TAB, write the chord symbols above and even a strumming pattern using slash heads...

Well, the main problema is that I'd like to hide or remove/add TAB sections. For example: a song which would have a riff, a solo, etc. Instead of showing empty tabs all along the score (which would double the needed space), just on the places where it should (or at least at the end of the document as a different section).

On the other hand, but less important, I haven't already seen a template even simpler (with no lines, just bars with chord names inside) like this and find a way to write a rhythm pattern above or in another place in the score:

/ // / ~
| A - F#m | Bm | A - F#m | D E7 |

I've seen how to hide staff lines, but can't move all the chord names inside the bars except doing it one by one. Would a single line like a bass drum stave do the trick or are there any drawbacks?

Thanks in advance for any comment and suggestion!


Since the only thing you want to hide is tab staves, right click the tab staff, choose staff/part properties and change the Hide when empty option to Always. It will be hidden when the entire staff on one line is empty. You can put in system breaks to force new lines so the empty staves will line up better for you. To enter a system break, select the last measure you want on a system and press enter.

In reply to by mike320


My idea (perhaps it ends up being impractical) was to use standard staff for rhythm patterns (using slash headnotes) with its chords above and only using tabs for specific parts as riffs, solos... I've copy pasted from other musescore files and generated automatically quite a good tab from the staff (I know I should polish in more difficult ones, anyway). This would let me preserve note values in tab. But I think I can only do this if they are linked, so I wouldn't be able to hide the standard staff.
I'll try to figure out how Guitar Pro or any other format import into Musescore work or working with two files at a time: one with staff and tab linked to generate tabs and the final one with a staff to write rhythm patterns and chords, while copy paste the tab on the lower one.

Again, thanks!

PS: By the way, English is not my mother language so please help me: TAB is quite straight forward but staff always means "standard solfeggio notation", isn't it? Is there a name for a "pack" of staves or staff+tab?

In reply to by Gizmo77

I'm not a guitar player so I don't know all of the terminology. I think sofeggio is something else though. As for making it where you can make an empty tab staff, just add a staff rather than a linked staff and copy the notes from the standard staff to tablature staff. It's a bit more to maintain, but sounds like what you are describing. Alternatively you could add a standard guitar staff and a guitar staff with linked tablature. Enter notes into the staff with the tablature when you want to see it and into the staff without tablature when you don't. When you're all done, use Hide Empty Staves to hide the ones you don't use.

Once you've moved one chord symbol where you like it, hit the "Set as style" ("S" icon) button in the Inspector next to the Offset fields, and the "Min distance" field if that shows as having been changed (the button will be greyed out if it isn't applicable).

My question is somehow related. I'd like to show or hide the tab without removing the tab as instrument.
The only option I found is to go to Edit>Instruments and remove the TAB ... The problem is that if I need to show it again I add the TAB but I'll lose all my modifications when the automatic TAB is created by Musescore.
Any way to simply display only the score or only the TAB without losing anything?

In reply to by juanguitar

The only way to freely hide and show the tablature is to add it as a separate instrument rather than a staff added to an existing instrument. This means it will be necessary to copy (or reenter) the notes from the standard staff to the tablature staff, but you will then be able to open instruments (press i) and check or uncheck visible for the tablature staff. It will also give you the ability to create a part that only consists of the Guitar (or other stringed instrument) so you will not need to hide and unhide the tablature.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks, I managed to do that by copying the TAB that I had to a new instrument created also as TAB and remove the linked tab.
The problem is that obviously they are not synchronized so a change on the score it's not reflected on the tab and I have to change it manually.
I strongly suggest to add the ability to turn on/off the visibility of the linked staffs independently. It would make life so much simpler ...
Also, is there a way to turn on/off the sound of each instrument?
Thanks !

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