Best way to fix a "Corrupted" measure

• Nov 8, 2019 - 12:57

When I have a measure that is off because I've been editing it, and either a plus or a minus sign appears over it, I find that copying the defective measure into a blank measure in the score allows the software to fix the problem, or allows me to fix it. Then I delete the original corrupted version and copy the revised and corrected one in its place. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

In the attached you can see in measure 19, and copied farther down, I am in the process of doing this.


Attachment Size
VC_aria_Act1,Sc.2recon..mscz 21.72 KB


Measure 19 is not corrupt in the score you attached. It has an 8th note or rest intentionally or accidentally deleted from it and MuseScore is fine with this even though it puts the blue - above the measure as information. Measure 21 is corrupt because MuseScore was not informed the measure was missing some of it's beats. When the score was opened, MuseScore checked each measure to assure the proper number of beats was in each and discovered missing beats. It then informed you of this in the notification window when it was opened. MuseScore does not put blue + or - above corrupted measures.

To fix measure 19, you need to add beats to the measure. The way to do this is either use the insert note input mode or add a note using ctrl+shift+note. Jojo's link explains possible ways to fix measure 21.

Looking at some of your other posts - about "mystery plus signs", "added measures in the wrong place", "not allowed to remove a barline", etc, it seems you are struggling with basic note entry and so are using 'Insert Input mode' rather than 'Step-time' input. Then, you are forcing 'fake' barlines to make the measures 'look normal'.
This will only create chaos and frustration. I've seen some of your posted examples - some display multiple 'fake' measures all rolled up into one giant measure! (Metronome is freaking out!)

The best way to master MuseScore is to first become familiar with:

I know you also wrote elsewhere that you don't wish to be "fussing over measure length", so... might consider displaying two scores side by side (or stacked);

This way, one score could be the 'not messed up' score and the other could be a score with, say, a single measure with 20 beats. You can use this 20 beat measure as a sort of 'scratch pad' to work out your rhythm and then cut/paste into the 'not messed up' score.
In both scores, you can use step-time input and not be concerned with barlines. When you paste into the 'not messed up' score MuseScore will flow the rhythms into the proper measures. Hit 'Undo' or Ctrl+Z if the pasted phrase still needs work in the 'scratchpad'.

To make a 'scratchpad' measure (eg., 20 beats) see:

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