how to alter BPM ?

• Mar 7, 2016 - 18:22

how do you alter the DEFAULT play BMP associated with a score?
I converted & saved from a gp5 file.

I know the PlayPanel can change it temporarily.
I know I can edit the tempo symbol (but it does not correspond/change the play BPM).
I don't see an answer in the Handbook under BPM.


The default tempo is currently hardcoded (as found in

As you can read in that thread, there's some discussion about how to make this setting available to a user if it were tucked away somewhere in preferences. But I think it would be fine to create a feature request for it, so others can add their voice to it.

Tempo text should change the BPM, if it is properly formatted and 'Follow Text' is set. You can set that in Inspector and there you can also ignore it and set BPM to somethinglese
Devault BPM is 120 (quarter notes per Minute)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Its possible the tempo imported from the GP file doesn't have the follow text option set - perhaps it isn't in a format MuseScore can understand. But if you delete that text and add a new one normally, it should work fine.

As always, if Ou are having trouble, it is much easier to offer good advice if you attach the actualscore you are having problems with. Otherwsie th best we can do is fuess and it takes much longer to get the problem solved.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have just tried several diff sequences/scenarios of changing the displayed BPM in the mscz file that came from a gp5 file. It sort of works, but there seems to be a disconnect between

what is displayed in tempo text/icon
play panel
inspector panel

and what actually plays. And the sequence that one opens/closes the two panels, and edits the tempo/text icon also seems to affect the actual play tempo.

I can't get a handle on what causes what. But I do know that the displayed tempo icon BMP is not always the tempo played (sometimes it is).

Hmmmmm. Doesn't feel like a gp5 convert problem to me.

If I had to guess, I'd say it is the way one exits from the "edit tempo/icon pane". Leaving it with only an ESC key seems to behave differently than leaving it with an ENTER followed by ESC keys.

In reply to by dpenny

Again, it works fine if you do this in a score created from scratch, so if you have some partic ular score imported form GO where it doesn/t, please psot that specific score you are having problems with so we can see what is going on. Otherwise all we can do is guess, and it will takes of guessing to perhaps happen upon the right answer, as opposed to being to tell you instantly and confidently what is happening.

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