Ability to share custom text between scores and use text with custom text style in palette

• Mar 14, 2016 - 11:58
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

I have created a new textstyle. Afterwards I dragged a text with this text style in a palette. If I want to use this text from the pallet, the text is inserted with the origin text style not the own created.


Custom text style are currently by design only available in a given score. So they cannot be shared between scores, and so cannot be added to the palette.

This does not work.

I have changed the textstyle Fingering LH. Inserting a element with Fingering Left Hand via pallet shows a different result as the definition. I have to reset the element to the textstyle via Inspector.

Next try. Copy a element with the modified definition of Fingering LH in the pallet and inserting the pallet. The result the not modified definition of Fingering LH is used.

Sorry the issue of the difference between formatting and content is still solved science one decade by such silly software brands like Microsoft and you offer such ridiculous nonsense.

Please stop with the insults, they are not constructive. Stick to the technical issues, please.

It sounds from your description like you did not not do this properly. You need to modify the text *properties* of an element before adding it to the palette if you want those modifications to be honored by other scores. This is what users have requested and expect.

So, do the following:

1) add a fingering to your score
2) right click, text properties
3) change whatever you like
4) OK
5) add this element to the palette

You will find those properties are relfected in the palette, and adding this element to scores will honor the properties you created it with. That is how it is designed to work and does work.