Avoid line breaks, add measures, double measure repetition, attach inspector.

• Mar 23, 2016 - 16:26

Hi guys,

I've installed 2.0.2 a few weeks ago, and find it far better than the previous one.

However, there are a few things that I'm still searching for, in order of importance :

- An easy to use "avoid line break" feature : I mean I like to make easy to read scores, with musical phrases that fits a precise number of lines, and it really bothers me (sorry to say it like that) when the line is automaticaly breaked just before the last measure of the phrase, especialy when this measure could obviously fit in the same line. Maybe there's a way to do it, but I didn't find it, although I've been searching for it since a long time.

- I mainly use musescore to make drum scores, I use only 3 lines staffs, and when doing so, all the notes under the middle line have some short lines over their heads, as if they were under the staff.
(I think this one is a program error).

- In the same goal of making very personal drum scores, it would be very great to have more notehead symbols, and why not the possibility to make our own ones, for exemple by editing the included ones ?
I mean changing their sizes, removing some parts, or mixing different symbols together.

- The possibility to add several measures in one go, without having to copy/paste the last empty ones, or doing it one by one.

- A "double measure repetition" symbol (.//.)(dot slash slash dot, it's not a crooked breasts smiley), quite usefull to repeat two measures several times without using the repeat barlines.

- I'm pretty sure that the inspector was attached to the main window before I closed it for the first time, and now I have to reopen it each time I run musescore, and it floats over the main window, what I find less handy. A "detach/reattach inspector" knob would be welcomed.

Thanks for your work, it really is a very good software.


ad 1) If it'd obviously fit, there wouldn't be an automatic line break. But you can squeeze, see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/layout-and-formatting-0#layout-stretch

ad 2) Show a score that has the Problem. Better in a new thread.

ad 3) there's a bunch available in the advanced workspace's notehead palette, and many more in the symbols palette

ad 4) this is possible, see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/measure-operations-0#insert, use Ctrl+Ins

ad 5) this too is possible, but requires some trickery, the symbol is available in the symbols Palette
See https://musescore.org/en/node/34956

ad 6) this too is possible, just double click the title bar to reattach

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for the rapidity of your answer.

1-I've tried it already, but didn't really undertood the rage of this funtion.
So sometimes it worked, and sometimes not.
Now I can say I would find very usefull to be able to force the strech value under zero.
(sometimes just a few millimeters makes it impossible)

2-I'll take the time to do it later, I'm in a hurry today, but before, I'll try what Marc Sabatella sayed, because I don't remember if I use an old drum set definition, or if I've done a new one when I installed 2.0.2.

3-I know, and like everyone on earth, I always want more ! (sorry)

4-Oops, my bad, I didn't remembered this one, but anyway, it would seem logical to see it in the measure right click menu too. (And I don't find any ins key on My mac laptop, or is it replaced by something else ? (Anyway, I'm thinking of bying a numerical keyboard that have this key)

5-I didn't know that one, but I hope it will be easier in a further version.

6-Oh, year, I get it, Thanks.

I'll email you again in a few days for the result of n°2, thanks again very much.

The format for drum set definitions has changed, you are probably trying to use an old one. Just go in to edit the drum set definition and change the line numbers to correspond with how they work in 2.0 - the top line is always 0 regardless fo numebr of lines.

BTW, mentioned, you can fit more measures on a line by decreasing stretch for the measures you want to make smaller. This works in 2.0 the same as it did in 1.3.

In reply to by Mscz

The settings Jojo mentions are indeed the ones you'd need to mess with. Without seeing your score (the actual MSCZ file, not just a picture of it) we can only give general suggestions, but if you attach the score, we can tell you more exactly. MuseScore does what you tell it to do, but you have to be specific: you can't just say "make more measures fit". Decrease stretch tells it to reduce the amount of space between notes while keeping everything else constant (have you really reduce the minimum? how many times did you try pressing "{"?). Reducing staff size literally makes everything smaller - the staves, the notes, the spaces betwene the notes. Reducing the minimum note distance affects the amount of space betwene tightly spaced notes (eg, sixteenths) while mostly leaving mre widely spaced note unaffected (althought here is a slight residual effect). Only you know which of these would be msot appropriate for your particular score.

OK guys ! I've been very busy all these months and almost forgot you ! (sorry).

But here am I, and I can already tell you I finaly got throught nearly all these "size and space stuffs".

I don't precisely remember how, thus it was many months ago, before I mooved in another town, but I think it won't be a problem doing it again.

The last thing that bothers me is the ledger lines I mentioned at #2. I'll post a new thread about it as soon as I will know how to join a file to it.

Ok I got it.

And thanks for all your suggestions !

In reply to by Mscz

To attach a file to a post, see the "File attachments" link right below where you type.

In general, if you use the default drumset provided for each drum instrument in MuseScore 2, things *should* work pretty well. It's possible to get yourself into trouble if you've edited the drumset definition, or have imported the score from another source (including earlier versions of MuseScore), or created the score using a template created by someone else designed for an earlier version, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, I've just posted a new thread with an attached file, in the bug reports section.

To be precise, I've edited the default drumset (I'll join the drumset file with this message), but the score was entirely created by me on my laptop with the latest version installed when I firstly talked about it, and a brand new drumset edition (march 2016, 2.0.2, I think).

I start new ones (drumset + score) right now and let you know as soon as possible.

Attachment Size
HGT 2Gc 4Tm 2Cr 1Sh.drm 2.45 KB

In reply to by Mscz

I should clarify - by "drumset" in this context I meant both the instrument itself ("Drumset", under "Unpitched percussion" in the instrument list) and the mapping from MIDI pitches to lines/spaces, which happens to also be called a "drumset".

Anyhow, yes, right now there are issues with non-standard line counts and spacing, mostly fixed for 3.0 (not sure what's up with the missing ledger line; it was working previously).

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