Implode to different voices on single staff when there are different rhythms in the selection

• Mar 25, 2016 - 14:06
S5 - Suggestion
needs info

Hi, in den bereitgestellten Noten sieht man das Problem:
Im Takt 1 sind die Stimmen getrennt, im Takt 2 gab es die selben Noten und wurden mit der Funktion "Werkzeuge - Sammeln" zusammengeführt. Leider entspricht das Ergebnis nicht dem gewünschten.
Liegt's an mir, oder ist's ein Fehler?
Viele Grüße

Version 2.0.2
GIT commit: f51dc11

Attachment Size
Sammel_Fehler.mscz 4.24 KB


If you're unsure whether something is a bug, it is better to discuss in forum first. Also don't assign an issue to yourself, unless you plan to submit a fix yourself too. And in the issue tracker it is English please, the forums are available in German and English (and many other languages)

Hi, in the provided notes one sees the problem:
In measure 1, the voices are separated, not in measure 2 though, there were the same notes and "Tools - Implode" was used. Unfortunately, the result not the desired.
Was it only for me, or is it a bug?

Title Fehlerhafte Noten nach Zusammenführung Wrong result on Implode when there are different rhythms in the selection

I'd say it is a bug, Implode should be using voices, if the rhythms of the to be imploded staves differ.

Tha handbooks says (emphasis mine):
Select a range of measures across staves that have substantially similar rhythms, run Edit → Tools → Implode. MuseScore will combine the contents of the staves into chords on the top staff

So this maybe a problem by design, and this issue might turn into a feature request...

Let's see what Marc has to say on this.

Thanks for your prompt answer - that was my first action at MuseScore and unfortunately wrong placed - sorry. I hope this often occurring case in choral music can be done in future.
It was the opposite way of disassemble a combined score system (SA/TB) to get the possibility of play back the separated four voices, which I've learned could only be done with separated staves.

Impolode is designed to work with similar rhythms, to create *chords* out of the individual notes. If your goal is to combine parts that different rhythms, this requires use of multiple voices, which is something different. It is a valid feature request. Most likely it will end up being a separate tool, although it might be possible to enhance the existing Implode tool to do something reasonable.

Title Wrong result on Implode when there are different rhythms in the selection Implode to different voices on single staff when there are different rhythms in the selection

I'm sorry about, but the result of the steps in this way isn't as expected. In my attached (new) example the slur in the second imploded measure is missing. This was happened at chaining back the voices 1/2 in step 7.

Attachment Size
Implode_Issue.mscz 4.43 KB

You mean the description in the how to, right? If exchanging voices is losing slurs, that'd be a different issue (and yes, I seem to remember it happening at times)

Status active needs info
Regression No
Workaround No

I'm fixing some critical bugs in implode command, if it's easy to incorporate other tweaks I'm willing, but I don't know if I understand the bug or suggestion here and if it still applies in 3.0. I think maybe it no longer applies?