Backwards compatibility in MS nightly

• Apr 29, 2011 - 01:47

I'm starting to find the time to play around with the nightly Windows build (R4242 today) and filing my issues. One thing I was working with was a score I recently completed (attached as "the Wonderful Cross") and played in church. I noticed when I loaded it into R4242 some things weren't quite right (first/second endings were incorrectly laid out, the 8va and 15ma in the initial bars are too high, ties that follow slurs blend into each other). So then I saved the score in R4242 and reloaded the newly saved one (attached as "The Wonderful Cross2"). Now things are quite the mess. Slurs are missing, extra barlines breaking bars, ties extending across entire systems, etc. Ugly!

This brings up an obvious question: is my first score (from 1.0) corrupt, and if so how did it get that way so quickly, within one week? It was all written in 1.0, across several computers, and did undergo many revisions.

Attachment Size
The Wonderful Cross.mscz 8.82 KB
The Wonderful Cross2.mscz 9.55 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Judging from how messy things got, its hard to know if the original score was corrupt, or if the nightly has caused its own corruption. I've tried loading other of my scores into the nightly and it's not a pretty sight. Mostly issues with slurs/ties being interpreted or placed incorrectly, but I suspect the problem goes much deeper than that.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

Yes, the location of the ossia and the voltas is better now, but I only have R4248 to test. I noticed that you posted a very recent fix for slurs (4249). The one thing that happens when you save my score and re-open it is the slurs get mangled. In another score the hairpins are placed very wrong (in the stave, above, below) where they were all below before and the stretch has changed. I will attach this score as well.

I will also test on the latest build tonight (4250+) to see what fixes you have made for slurs.

Attachment Size
Colonel Bogey March.mscz 8.31 KB

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