Update made toolbar smaller??

• May 1, 2016 - 07:12
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

I updated my musescore to 2.0.3 recently and when I got back on the toolbars on the top with the note length and other icons were way smaller than before. I was about to look at the update changes but saw how intimidating looking for the specific change out of the 200. I just want to know if it's only me and if there is a solution to fix this issue, it hurts my eyes looking at those notes.

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Untitled.png 125.39 KB


See #106241: Monitor resolution detected incorrectly, making sizes wrong. I am guessing you have multiple monitors attached to your computer, and MsueScore is detecting the resolution fo the wrong one. Workaround for now is to disconnect the monitor you are not using when starting MuseScore.

If that doesn't solve your problem for now, please go to that other issue and post your details there - what OS, what size and resolution monitor, anything else you think might be relevant.