[trunk] Righ-click on tuplet or on a text brings up both Tuplet and Test prop dlg boxes
Setup: rev. 4493; Ubuntu 11.04, Qt SDK 1.1 (Qt lib 4.7.3) / Windows XP Qt SDK 10.04
1) Load or create a score with texts (of most any kind) and/or tuplets
2) Right-click on a tuplet and select "Tuplet Properties"
2) Right-click on a text and select "Text Properties"
Result: in both cases 2) above, the Tuplet Properties dlg box is shown and, after closing it, the Text Properties" dlg box is shown.
This is because, in the file mscore/mscore/mscore/propertymenu.cpp
, the same string "t-props" is used to identify both the popup menu item for the tuplet and for the text.
To correct the issue, two different strings should be used, one for tuplets and one for texts.
The Text Props string is set in:
line 136 (function ScoreView::genPropertyMenuText()
line 246 (function ScoreView::createElementPropertyMenu()
line 337 (function ScoreView::createElementPropertyMenu()
and checked in line 548 (function ScoreView::elementPropertyAction()
The Tuplet Props string is set in:
line 179 (function ScoreView::createElementPropertyMenu()
and checked in line 439 (function ScoreView::elementPropertyAction()
fixed in r4496
Very off-topic, but SVN must be having a bad day. You've committed update 4496, but when I view the MS development page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mscore/develop), I only see up to 4487 (from yesterday) in the "What's happening" section. An SVN update on my source folders did bring me up to 4496, however.
@schepers That's a problem at the side of sourceforge. They have had quite some issue lately with the frontend website. As an alternative, you can use another tracker
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
I forgot to thank you for the alternate tracker. SVN is _still_ showing 4487 as the last commit, even though you can click on the "Last commit" date field and see the latest revisions. I'm surprised SVN has been broken for so long now.