Update the name, "Grand staff distance"

• Jun 8, 2016 - 17:13


"Grand Staff distance" (Edit Style > Page) adjusts the distance between any staves in a system created using the ADD Staff or Add Linked Staff buttons (New score wizard > Chose instruments). This includes not only true grand staves but also staff/tablature systems (linked and unlinked). Also, if the user chooses to create a grand staff with the Add button, the "Grand staff distance" setting will have no effect.

Does the name "Grand Staff distance" need to be updated?


Also, if the user chooses to create a grand staff with the Add button, the "Grand staff distance" setting will have no effect.

Can you clarify what you mean by that?

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I guess he means, if one creates what appears to be a single instrument with two staves but is really two instruments of a single staff each, intending to use it as a grand staff, it won't behave as one.

Only technically correct term I can think of for what this setting actually controls is "intra-instrument staff distance". But I think "grand staff" is far more clear and straightforward, even if it also applies to things that are not technically grand staves. Beats the heck out of what we used to call this: accolade distance. That term means nothing to anyone but a very select few, and in any case is also not really accurate.

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