
• Jul 20, 2016 - 14:04

hi why is the transpose function is disabled/grey out? I have downloaded musescore2.



Not clear what you mean. Notes / Transpose should be available any time you have a score open as far as I know. Depending on what you selected before invoking the dialog, some of the options within that dialog might be greyed out as not relevant to that selection. Perhaps this is what you mean? Or maybe you are referring to something else entirely?

If you continue to have problems, please attach the specific score you are having problems with and give precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

Ok I am new and desperately trying to learn what I should have learned 30 years ago. Anyway, I am trying to transpose from C bass clef to a Bb tuba I either see the Transpose button grayed out or when I added a second instrument line and named it Tuba Bb (then the transpose button seems to activate - in as much as I get a window with "options") but nothing appears to happen. Sorry I am not more adept with all this.. old dog! I really want to learn this function on the software. Any help would be appreciated!

In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you but I may be just too stupid to pull this off, certainly lacking the music theory required to know enough. I did manage to (now) see by selecting a different key a change in the main line but I don't know what I am doing. My expectations are probably a bit skewed too. Thank you again I will keep noodle'n around. And come back to the forum once I start to know the questions I should be asking.

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St, louis Blues.mscx 52.58 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

"why is the transpose function is disabled/grey out"
Be sure that no notes or other items are selected (highlighted) before using the Transpose feature. If it is, indeed, it appears grayed out.
So, get into the habit of doing Escape before Transpose (or alternatively, doing Ctrl + A before Transpose)

In reply to by Mark L

I guess the first step is for you to explain what you are actually trying to do. As mentioned, tuba is not normally a transposing instrument, so you shouldn't need to do anything at all - just copy the notes from the piano part to the tuba part. If you live in one of the few countries where people *do* transpose music for tuba, simply choose the "Bb Tuba (Treble Clef)" instrument instead of the regular "Bb Tuba", and everything is handled for you automatically. Copy and paste music onto that staff and you'll see it is automatically transposed. You don't need to hit any buttons at all, unless you want to see the *untransposed* music, in which case you turn on "Concert Pitch".

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Across the board I really appreciate everyone taking the time to try and tutor me along in this. Out of curiosity earlier I sat in front of a piano with my horn. My "concert" Bb tone was a B on the piano and was consistently 1/2 step off (lower). Does that seem right? My iPhone tuner required a "select a different instrument" to match the piano's tone which made sense I suppose. we were just given this 1929 piano last week! I thought I heard, read or otherwise absorbed along the way that some piano's are intentionally "tuned down". Which would explain a couple of things. The quest continues!

In reply to by Mark L

Your piano probably needs tuning, so don't trust that. What pitch does your iPhone say you are playing when you play a Bb? How are you fingering that Bb? Are you a tuba player, or perhaps a trumpet player expecting to find tuba offers similar? They aren't unless you live in one of those few countries where tubas are treated as transposing instruments. And again, what exactly are you trying to do?

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