Regression - Crash by deleting all measures in Continuous View

• Aug 21, 2016 - 16:39
Reported version
S2 - Critical

GIT commit 37e531e / Windows7

1) "My First Score"
2) Select all (Ctrl + A)
3) Delete (Ctrl + Del)
4) Switch to Continuous View

Result: crash

- In a second way (by interchanging the steps)

1) "My First Score"
2) Switch to Continuous View
3) Select all (Ctrl + A)
4) Delete (Ctrl + Del)

Result: crash


stack trace
1 Ms::MeasureBase::next measurebase.h 107 0xdb19d0
2 Ms::Score::getNextMeasure layout.cpp 2755 0x80d180
3 Ms::Score::doLayout layout.cpp 3689 0x81230a
4 Ms::MuseScore::switchLayoutMode musescore.cpp 5074 0x49f2d7
5 Ms::MuseScore::switchLayoutMode musescore.cpp 5059 0x49f12e
6 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 821 0x694656
7 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68a08842
8 ZN9QComboBox18currentTextChangedERK7QString 0x1b7ebffc
9 ?? 0x21718a60
10 ?? 0x1
11 ??

Why is it doing a `getNextMeasure(lc);`twice, in layout.cpp, line 3688 and 3698? The 2nd of course fails if there is none.

It is not what I observe. Not related to the previous mentioned issue.
Rather (well, most likely!) the consequence of the fix (here: a254f68) of this one (April 18): #106471: Switch to Continuous View causes a crash

- Before this fix, eg with a6fa201, these steps worked as expected.

1) "My First Score"
2) Select all (Ctrl + A)
3) Delete (Ctrl + Del)
4) Switch to Continuous View

But not these ones, of course (since it contains the first two fatal steps of the other issue)

1) "My First Score"
2) Switch to Continuous View

3) Select all (Ctrl + A)
4) Delete (Ctrl + Del)

- After this fix, these steps works (of course!)

1) "My First Score"
2) Switch to Continuous View

But not the two complete scenarios (four steps each), described in the initial report (or re-writed above)