Multimeasure Rest Text

• Sep 8, 2016 - 02:17

Original discussion:

I think the ability to add/manipulate the text/number on top of the middle of a multimeasure rest is very necessary for Musescore.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Just looking at that, either the tacet is for an entire movement of a piece, or it's for a drummer who has something along the lines of 150 measures rest that they shouldn't be counting anyway - in which case cue notes are required.

Or it's a tacet al fine situation.

I'm not sure if I've seen it in that particular way before, but I don't read percussion parts (orchestral) that often. I'm fairly certain most multi movement trombone parts just have the word 'tacet' where the music should be, under the movement title, but since musescore can't do that, this seems like a very reasonable alternate notation.

In reply to by Laurelin

In general, the instruction "Tacet" is not used except where an instrument does not play for an entire movement. It is not considered correct to use this instruction to indicate lengthy rests (for instance, in percussion parts, which are notorious for them).

A good example of the proper use of "Tacet" would be in a concerto grosso wherein the winds do not play in the second movement.

Tacet example.png

I don't know of any standard / traditional / convention publishing guidelines that specify reasons to deviate from the usual way of representing the number that we emply. Absent such guidelines, I don't think this could be called "necessary", especially since there is a simple workaround of overlaying your own text or graphic for the rare special case situations where you wish to deviate from the standard. But sure, as an enhancement someday, we could indeed provide some customization. Feel free to file an official feature request via the issue tracker.

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