1st & 2nd line endings can't proceed to new staff when dragging line with mouse

• Sep 12, 2011 - 19:24
S5 - Suggestion

If I have a long 1st or 2nd ending, then I need the line to proceed past a new staff line. When I double click the line and drag the endpoint right, it stops at the end of the staff line. My work around if to force 1st and 2nd endings to be no longer than one staff line. (I am doing something wrong?)

I am a programmer and am willing to fix this in the code.


Title 1st & 2nd line endings can't proceed to new staff line 1st & 2nd line endings can't proceed to new staff when dragging line with mouse
Status (old) closed active

I have edited the feature request title by appending "...when dragging line with mouse", since I think a user should be able to drag the volta line ending past a staff line by using the *mouse*.

Thanks for telling me how to handle this with the keyboard, though.