out of tune viola playback for sustained middle c, c# and d -

• Sep 28, 2016 - 22:26

Musescore is the greatest - and I don't want to seem ungrateful but when I write music for the viola I have to avoid writing a sustained middle c, c# or d if I want to hear the music in playback. I am amazed at the general lifelike quality of the playback - I could swear that the instruments are being played with feeling! But the sound of these three notes of the viola makes me cringe. The notes seem to veer off key. Please see attached file. The problem seems to be limited to these notes. It really cripples the playback potential for this wonderful instrument which sounds great otherwise as long as it doesn't have to sustain these three notes.
Any help on the horizon?

Attachment Size
the viola sounds very wrong.mscz 23.89 KB


The problem is that the player who provided the viola samples adjusted the intonation when playing this particular sample. Consequently the note starts off key and only reaches the proper pitch several milliseconds into the note.

I am aware of the problem - I just need to have a block of spare time when I can implement a fix.

Keep your eye on the Soundfonts forum for and announcement of a new version of the default soundfont, which you can then download and use with your existing MuseScore version.

I will open this in the issue tracker for you so everyone on the dev team is aware of what's happening.

In reply to by Graham Hunt

I'm curious - what was selected originally? Unless you had changed from the default soundfont to something else other than the original default of FluidR3, the default should have automatically updated to MuseScore_General. And if you had changed to something else other than the old default, then the problems you were having with the viola must have been with that other soundfont. Unless maybe you had simply changed the default to a different version of FluidR3?

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