Articulation position when General style is set to "Above/below staff"

• Oct 9, 2016 - 15:38

2.0.3 / Win 7/10

Open attached file.


Change articulation position to "Above staff" (in "Styles > General >Articulations and ornaments"). The articulation in voice 1 moves to the correct position (above staff) but the sforzato in Voice 2 has moved to a corresponding position below the staff (unexpected).

If you change the style setting to "Below staff", the Voice 1 sforzato remains above staff (unexpected?), while the voice 2 sforzato adopts the correct position (below staff).

Shouldn't the sforzatos of both voices display above or below the staff respectively in these cases?

P.S. There is no shortcut for sforzando in the 2.0.3 portable version.

Attachment Size
articulation_position.mscz 4.38 KB


I would personally assume this is correct behavior. Those settings are meant mostly for the single-voice case. When multiple voices are involved, articulations need to be handled differently. That's true not just for this case but all cases. I guess maybe there could be controls to specify whether any particular articulation should go *outside* or "inside* in these cases.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You can move them inside by selecting the marking and hitting "x" (the way flip stems and slurs). Not sure if it works for all markings or just some of them though.

But I agree with Marc: You want the behavior you see. Sometimes the voices are meant to be articulated differently and the position of those markings must point unambiguously to the voice they are meant for.

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