[Trunk] Notes do not reposition for lyrics
1. Create score.
2. Enable 'Note Entry'.
3. Enter some notes along the bar.
4. Disable 'Note Entry'.
5. Enter a lyric into each note.
Result: The notes don't re-position for the lyrics.
Workaround: Save and they will appear correctly upon re-opening.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5062) - Mac 10.6.8.
fixed in r5065
Thanks - partially fixed.
1. Create 4/4 score.
2. Fill the bar with four crotchets.
3. Enter a lyric 'testing' in the fourth crotchet.
Result: It overlaps with other lyrics and bar line.
Discussion: If you do something (e.g. add another lyric), this will correct. It's not restricted to the fourth crotchet, but it helps to realise the issue better (overlapping into the next bar).
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5066) - Mac 10.6.8.
fixed in trunk
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.