Piano keyboard: mark the octaves C-1, C0, C1 etc.

• Dec 12, 2016 - 15:34

Currently, only Middle C is indicated on the Piano keyboard by a C'. Why not allow the user to label all the octaves at C: C-1, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 etc.?


OK, I can see how some might like the Cs labelled but know that C-1 is below the threshold of human hearing and you'd need piano strings several metres long (and a big hammer) to generate it.

Maybe an option to colour the octaves differently would help some? (I think if you need the labels then just labelling the C might still be confusing for many).

Not to be argumentative, but there are a variety of notations for octaves. Once one notation is coded, others would be simple.

In reply to by geetar

Ah, so it would have to use the same octave numbering scheme as the drumset editor. Still not sure how useful that would be to the average person who probably has never looked at the drumset editor much less memorized the pitch/octave assignments. Better would be if when editing a drumset staff, the notes of the keyboard were somehow labeled with the actual drum names/notes. Not practical to do this directly, I guess, but maybe as a "tooltip" on hover? Or maybe a special "drumset keyboard" window?

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