mixer window scrolling improvements

• Dec 20, 2016 - 16:18
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

When the amount of tracks is larger than the amount currently visible in the mixer window becomes scrollable with a scrollbar - which makes sense.
The problem is when I now move the mouse over for example the first listed instrument and try to change one of the controls with the mouse-wheel, the whole content of the window will scroll up instead of the control reacting. In fact I have no way to change the top track's controls unless the window is large enough to not have a scrollbar. When the number of instruments is so big that the list exceeds the screen-hight, I will not have any way to move the dials at all...


The mouse wheel is not the only way to use these controls - the usual way is simply click and drag up or down. So it is perfectly possible to use all controls already.

However, doubtless improvements are possible as well. Elsewhere it has suggested we should *deactivate* the scrollwheel for the sound selection unless you first click to activate that channel - many people seem to want the scroll wheel to *only* scroll by default and not to activate controls. So actually, other *like* how the dials work and want the dropdown to be similar. I suspect other use models might prefer other arrangements. Worth further discussion. See #39171: Some dropdown menus (e.g., in Mixer) start scrolling through options when mouse passes over them while scrolling.