Bar lines

• Jan 1, 2017 - 05:32

How to creae a score without bar lines?


Thank you for your answer. However does this mean I will not be restricted on timing in each bar ?
I any case I am using Measure Properties to set the time in each bar since the song has uneven timing.

Also ... if, as you say, “the timing of the song is uneven,” I would anticipate that the players would need to see those various changing time-signatures, and the corresponding bar-lines, to know how to perform the song as you intend for them to do.

I suggest that, no matter how “irregular” your song is, there needs to be “something regular” that the performers can refer to ... even if that part is not meant to be heard ... so that they can more easily keep their respective performances in sync.   (And that “something” probably should be heard, even if “only now and then,” to help the audience stay in sync with what you are doing, too.)   If a very avant garde performance loses all sense of structure, it quickly becomes noise ... and will be regarded as such.

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