Plugin crashes when importing abc file generated by TablEdit

• Apr 4, 2012 - 18:21
S2 - Critical

If you try to import an abc file generated by TableEdit the plugin crashes with the error:

tag mismatch at line 4 column 7

Line 4 Column 7 is in the middle of the copyright field information

Have attached an example abc file

Windows XP Pro SP3/MuseScore 2.0 R5516

No version info for the plugin

Using the abc>xml service direct on the web works.

Attachment Size 439 bytes


Both files mentioned above are identical in content, just different in revision.
And except for CR/LF it is still unchanged in the current nightlies.

The error "tag mismatch at line 4 column 7" happens in line 120 of abc_import.js, where it tries to load the new xml score.
Looking at that shows a server error. So the line 4 column 7 does not refer to a position in the abc file, bit to one in the 'xml' file which really is an html file (line 4, column 7 being the ">" closing the /head tag)

Looks like the error handling of the script may need to get improved to cater for such a "server error 500"?

Attachment Size
abc_tl5520.xml 218 bytes