Cannot double-click to apply time or key signature signature change with measure selected

• Apr 20, 2012 - 20:01
S5 - Suggestion

1. Open attached score.
2. Click on second bar.
3. Double-click 3/4 time signature in palette.

Result: Time signature isn't applied.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5559) - Mac 10.7.3.


Title Cannot double-click to apply time signature Cannot double-click to apply time signature change to measure with no existing time signature change

This isn't a bug but an unsupported feature. Double click only applies when a time signature is selected.

Title Cannot double-click to apply time signature change to measure with no existing time signature change Cannot double-click to apply time or key signature signature change with measure selected

Also applies to key signatures.

awelch - I'm assumign you are *not* planning to fix this, so I have unassigned you. Feel free to reassign yourself if you are a developer, have signed the CLA, and are planning on submitting a patch soon,