Score shouldn't be listed in MuseScore window

• Apr 23, 2012 - 20:02
by design

1. Open score.

Expected result: Only 'MuseScore' is listed in the top of the window.
Actual result: The name of the score is listed next to 'MuseScore'.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5572) - Mac 10.7.3.


I don't see the problem. Other software do the same (for example TextWrangler, Smultron). They don't add the name of the software but they do add the filename. Adding both looks ok to me. Any other opinion ? If not I would close this.

Listing program plus score is good, in my opinion. I often have many applications and documents open at once on several desktops and sometimes more than one instance of MuseScore running at once. When you [Alt]-Tab between programs you can see both the App and the Score that you want.