"Don't hide empty staves in first system" should not be enabled by default for 1.X scores

• Apr 24, 2012 - 09:53
S4 - Minor

For backward compatibility "Don't hide empty staves in first system" should not be enabled, at least not on Scores that come from 1.2 or earlier (and have "Hide empty staves" enabled).
This setting was not available in 1.2 and earlier, so there the default was to either hide all or none /depending on "Hide empty staves", so in 2.0 it should be the same to not break the setup/layout of older scores.


I would not make a general default because of a new feature. It's standard to hide the staves only after the first system so it should be the default now that we have the feature. Of course, 1.X scores should render the same than on 1.2 so we should add a special case for that one.