Direct connect of digital piano to musescore?

• May 31, 2012 - 17:03

I don't know much (yet) about composition software. I have an older Roland digital piano and am wondering if there's a way to connect my laptop, play my song, and have it automatically convert to a score in the software. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks so much...


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Right, the idea that you can just play something in real time and have it automatically turned into music is still beyond where technology is. However, if you can record into a sequencer program - being very careful to play with the metronome and playing rhythms as accurately as possible - you can save a MIDI file, and then load that MIDI file into MuseScore. In most cases, there still ends up being enough work required cleaning up the results that you are better off entering the music into MuseScore manually in the first place.

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