How Can I Remove Excess Space Created Above First Lyric Line?

• Feb 25, 2017 - 10:22

My score mostly uses one lyric-line in a Grand Staff format. One four-bar segment, though, uses four lyric-lines (one for the first verse, then three more for repeats).The first bar is the second of two measures in one system, the second and third bars comprise the next system, and the fourth bar is the first of two measures in the following system. Bars one and four, and their respective systems, are fine and are consistent in size with the other systems in the score. However, the system containing bars two and three is two spaces wider, height-wise, than any of the other systems in the score, creating that much extra space above the first lyric-line (just below the treble clef stave). I've tried using the spacers, but I can't seem to decrease the height-wise space - I can push staves or systems away from each other, but not toward each other. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing and how I can fix this? Thanks.


My guess is you accidentally entered the lyrics for those bars into verse 2, 3, or 4 instead of verse 1. As noted, hard to say without seeing the score (you can attach to a comment it via the "File attachments" link).

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