"Export parts" and "Staff properties" do not work!

• Mar 5, 2017 - 13:46

Hi everybody!

Since a couple of days I cannot export parts from an existing score as this option (File -> Export Parts) is gray and not available to click on it. Does anybody know the reason why and how to fix that? (if I open previous files strangely it is possible however not for my recent ones ...)

Thank you all in advance for your support. :)

Kind regards,


Perhaps because it is a solo. If this is not the case, then you probably have several of the same instrument and rather than adding extra instruments to the ensemble you added staves to the first and MS thinks there is one instrument with multiple staves. To fix this situation add instruments and copy entire lines to the new instruments and delete the duplicate staves.

Could it be that you don't have the parts to export? If you only see one tab with the score title, than go to File / Parts to create the parts you want before going to File / Export Parts to create the separate files.

Hi all!

Thank you for your great hints. I could already fix the issue with your help. :)

Really appreciated your soon feedback - thank you! ^^

Kind regards,

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