Disappearing Scores

• Mar 13, 2017 - 12:49


I had an issue pulling up one of my songs. I discovered that if you close
your computer with the software (specifically with one of your songs) open,
it will rename the document to some random name like "scz4mrt", and I can't
find it anywhere except for "Open Recent". But then, yesterday, I open
Musescore, and all my recents had disappeared. Now I can't it anywhere. Do
you think you guys can gelp me?



If you shutdown your computer or close MuseScore and ignore the warning about unsaved work! or simply power the computer off. Don't do this!
In that case, as well as in case of a crash, MuseScore kept an autsaved copy of the score, which inedeed has such a somewhat strange autogenerated name and offers to recover from that on next start.

Right - your file is *only* renamed in the event of something like a crash. Under normal circumstance, it is not. So it is important to understand what actually happened in order to advise you on exactly what to do next. It could be the files you have been opening are autosave files in the autosave folder described in the above link, or if could be you managed to save them to another folder during one of your previous sessions. It would be good to get familiar with the facilities your OS provides to help find files, so you can do a search of your hard drive.

In the future, if you experience a crash that results in a file being renamed, be sure to save it under the name you actually want, into the location you actually want. But hopefully you won't experience more crashes. Not sure what happened this time.

I think now you know not to "close your computer" by "holding down the power button for five seconds" or "disconnecting the power adapter/battery." Figure out which corner of the screen to click to access the shutdown command, and use that, and you shouldn't have any problems going forward.

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