Annotate "Release notes" to indicate that the handbook needs to be updated.

• Mar 14, 2017 - 11:08

Where a new feature, fix etc. in an upcoming MS release requires a handbook update, perhaps this could be indicated by an annotation at the end of the relevant entry on the Release notes page. Maybe use (Handbook) or (H) or [H] or something similar?


Good thinking! To keep it from being visible on the front end, how about a faux HTML thing: < handbook / > I'll make a start on that. EDIT: Done.

So, is the idea to update the handbook with a line such as

Starting in MS2.1 Double click the instrument name to edit. Once changes are made, press the escape key or click outside the edit box to accept changes.

Once that is done, what do we do? Let Isaac (or someone) review it and delete the hidden hashtag?

The annotation needs to be visible on the page itself. And it needs to be understandable by everyone – not just programmers.

In reply to by geetar

But there will likely be a brief period after 2.1 is out, and the release notes are official, when we're still working to update the documentation—and certainly at that time people should be able to get the clean release notes without any work-in-progress labels.

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